Advisory Committees

Torres Strait Fisheries are managed through a consultative decision making process.  In order to aid consultation, the Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA) has established a number of committees to provide information and advice to the Protected Zone Joint Authority on scientific, economic and technical matters related to any fishery managed by the PZJA. The committees members include Australian Traditional Inhabitant commercial and traditional fishers, non-Traditional Inhabitant commercial fishers, Australian and Queensland Government officials.

A list of current committees, and details of membership can be found here.

Memberships vary between Management Advisory Committees, Resource Assessment Groups and Working Groups, as the different committee types have slightly different functions. These committees also allow people with an interest in the fishery to attend as an observer.

If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact the relevant committee Chair through the committee links below. This page provides access to meeting records of the PZJA and its various Committees and Working Groups. Information about the operation of MACs and RAGs can be found in PZJA Fisheries Management Paper Number 1.


What do the committees do?

These committees provide advice to the PZJA on the scientific and economic status of fish stocks, sub stocks, species (target and non-target species) and on the impacts of fishing on the marine environment.

Advice provided by the committees must be evidence based and address biological, economic and wider ecological factors affecting the performance of the fishery. Advice and recommendations from committees must align with PZJA’s pursuit of its legislative objectives.

Each fishery is covered by either a management advisory committee (MAC) or Working Group (WG) or working group, which provide advice on management decisions relevant to the fishery.

Resource Assessment Groups (RAGs) provide more specific detailed scientific advice related to harvest strategies and stock assessments.

When is my meeting?

Find out when the meetings for your fishery are happening and where.

What PZJA committees exist and who are the members?

Review the list of PZJA committees and members for the fisheries and how to get in touch with them to share your ideas or ask questions.

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