
Finfish Fishery information for the 2024–25 season

Total allowable catches have been agreed upon by the PZJA for the Torres Strait Finfish Fishery.


Protected Zone Joint Authority

Responsible for management of commercial and traditional fishing in the Australian area of the Torres Strait Protected Zone (TSPZ) and designated adjacent Torres Strait waters.

Tropical rock lobster
Moontide Hookah Closures – 2023–24 Fishing Season

Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery Moontide Hookah Closures for the 2023–24 Fishing Season

Catch Sharing with Papua New Guinea

Australia and PNG meet annually to discuss and agree on catch sharing arrangements based on the agreed shares set out in Article 23 as well as historic catch by both countries.

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01 Jul 2024
Torres Strait Finfish Fishery information for the 2024–25 season

At its out-of-session meeting on 29 May 2024 the Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA) agreed that the Torres Strait Finfish Fishery Spanish mackerel TAC will be 77 tonnes and the coral trout TAC will be 123 tonnes for the 2024-25 fishing season, which commences on 1 July 2024. 

24 May 2024
Kaiar Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainability Workshop – 6 June 2024
17 May 2024
NTN2024-03: Carrier Licence Class B application

In line with section 24HA(7) of the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993, a future act notice (FAN) was issued by AFMA in relation to proposed management action to grant a new Carrier Licence Class B to M.G. Kailis Lobster Pty Ltd to allow the transportation of live and frozen lobster from the Torres Strait region to Cairns.