Australian Fisheries

Black teatfish season opens on 3 March 2025

The 2025 Torres Strait black teatfish season opens on 3 March with a total allowable catch (TAC) of 22 tonnes (updated 25 February). 

The earlier opening date for the 2025 season was selected in consultation with Torres Strait Traditional Inhabitants. 

In 2024, the total black teatfish catch was about 16 tonnes when the season closed on 2 May. This was lower than expected due to unfavourable weather, which made fishing difficult and dangerous at times. 

This year, the Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA), acting on recommendations from advisory committees, is considering under-catch carryover provisions for the first time. If approved, this year’s TAC will increase under the rules. It is very important the TAC is not exceeded. 

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) will advise Traditional Inhabitant Boat and Fish Receiver licence holders of the TAC Date once it is determined by the PZJA Licencing Delegate. 

Daily landing and catch reporting is required, as in previous years. The PJZA needs this daily information to decide when the season will close, based on its assessment that the TAC will be reached on that day (the TAC Date). Exceeding the TAC can have serious consequences for the fishery. 

Fishing of the black teatfish is exclusive to Traditional Inhabitants of the Torres Strait. Worth more than half a million dollars to the local economy, it is a critical source of income that supports the livelihoods and traditional way of life of all Torres Strait communities. 

Strict rules apply to fishing for black teatfish because it is listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The total catch must stay under the TAC to allow black teatfish exports to continue. Read more about environmental assessment of the Torres Strait Bêche-de-mer Fishery on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.

Important information is available in the checklist for fishers and the checklist for fish receivers

During black teatfish season, AFMA fisheries officers will conduct land and sea operations to ensure all catches are recorded in accordance with catch disposal requirements. 

For more information, visit the Torres Strait Bêche-de-mer Fishery page or call AFMA’s Thursday Island office on 07 4069 1990.

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